Monday 31 August 2015

ISRO Makes India Proud Again: Successfully Hoists GSAT-6 satellite

ISRO has done it once again. The astounding success of the GSLV D-6 reinforced that the indigenous launch vehicle is now fully ready for commercial satellite launching programme. Till now India’s reliable work horse PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) with its meticulous delivery has been the cynosure of ISRO. GSLV has now joined the club. The 161 feet tall, GSLV-D6 weighing 416 tonnes at liftoff is the fifth developmental flight in GSLV series, has   launched the 2117 kg GSAT-6 communication satellite with remarkable precision on August 27th from the 2nd launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre or SrihariKota Range (SHAR). All the parameters time, relative velocity, range, altitude and acceleration profiles of the GSLV-6 were text book perfect.

India’s tryst with Geosynchronous satellite Launch vehicles (GSLV) began with its first flight in 2001. But the success of these vehicles has been extremely erratic wherein ISRO could register only three successful launches out of seven attempts. ISRO’s GSLV mission received major fillip following the magnificent performance of indigenously developed GSLV-D5 that hoisted GSAT-14 satellite on January 5th 2014.

Initially ISRO used Russian built cryogenic engines in GSLVs. GSLVs are highly preferred launch vehicles to deliver communication satellites of INSAT (Indian National Satellite System) and GSAT (Geosynchronous satellite) series weighing more than 2 tonnes. INSAT series comprises of multipurpose geo-stationary satellites that cater to telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology, search and rescue operations. GSATs aid in digital audio, data and video broadcasting. GSLV can hoist satellites weighing more than 2 tonnes into the GTO orbit (Geosychronous Transfer Orbit), which is 36,000km from the equator.

GSLV has three stages- first stage comprises of 138 tonne solid rotor motor and augmented by 4 liquid strap-ons. The second stage contains a single Vikas engine that burns for 150 sec and ignites the third stage also referred to as Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS). CUS, the heart of the GSLV launch vehicle is extremely complex as compared to the solid or the earth-storable liquid propellant rocket stages. The propellants used in cryogenic engine the liquefied oxygen that exists at -183C and the liquid Hydrogen at -253 C. These are pumped into the CUS using turbo pumps running at 40,000rpm 2 hours before the scheduled launch. The structural and thermal conditions required for operating at extremely low temperatures makes the launch extremely challenging. The liquefied propellants are very efficient, produce enormous thrust per unit mass compared to other fuels, environmentally safe and produce huge amounts of water during liftoff. The cryogenic engines require much less fuel than needed otherwise.

ISRO scientists toiled extremely hard to develop indigenous CUS as they replaced Russian Cryogenic engines which were used in rocket’s earlier experimental flights. India has so far built three indigenous CUS engines. GSLV Mk-II fitted with the first CUS engine blew up mid air in 2010 during its flight.  Mission scientists then returned to their drawing board toiled hard and nailed down all the technical glitches. The second CUS engine used in the GSLV-5 was a huge success. The meticulous delivery of GSLV-D6 now vouched credibility in developing the GSLV launch vehicles.

GSAT-6 is India’s 25th geo stationary communication satellite and twelfth in GSAT series and caters to strategic purposes. It is an advanced communication satellite and provides S-band communication services in the country.  After reaching the GTO the satellite’s propulsion system will take over and positions it at the orbital destination of 83 degrees East Longitude. Of the 2117 kg, satellite’s dry mass is 985 kg. It is endowed with two advanced features-it has one of the largest S-band Unfurable antenna of 6 meter diameter. This antenna will utilise five spot beams over Indian main land and with frequency reuse scheme it will increase frequency spectrum utilisation efficiency. Another advanced feature is the 70 V bus. The satellite whose life expectancy is 9 years is the second military satellite developed at a cost of 265 crores.

India’s journey towards the cryogenic motor development has been jittery. India has initiated GSLV project in 1990 and signed a contract with Russia for supply of 7 cryogenic engines of 7.5 tons thrust along with the transfer of cryogenic technology. But in 1993, the US severely objected Russia selling cryogenic technology to India as this would be a violation under the Missile technology Control regime (MTCR). MTCR is an informal agreement and voluntary partnership between 34 members. The regime was formed by the G-7 industrial nations-US, UK, France, Canada, Italy, Germany and Japan with an objective of limiting the proliferation of the missiles and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology capable of carrying 500kg payload to an altitude of 300km. It has 34 members which includes Russia.  As per MTCR guidelines, members established a “no undercut” policy means if a member denies sale of technology to another country, then the policy has to be strictly adhered by all other members. Thus now 117 nations enforce restrictions on exports to control the proliferation of UAV’s.  

Hence ISRO has been single-handedly working for developing this technology jealously shielded by all nations. More over the technology was denied as business interests of Europe, Russia and the US would be severely threatened by the arrival of India in this heavy vehicle-launch business. With nations imposing severe clamp down on transfer of technology Indian scientists with their gritty resolve developed cryogenic technology. This will now reduce our reliability on foreign launchers like European Space Agency’s (ESA) Ariane (which charges $20,000 to deploy a kilogram of payload to GTO) for launching communication satellites.

Currently, the Indian work horse PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) has proven its launch capability by launching 76 (31 Indian and 45 foreign) satellites so far. PSLV are capable of carrying remote sensing satellites which are lighter and place them in polar orbits. These satellites weigh from few hundred kilograms to about a tonne. Polar orbits are the orbits in which satellites don’t move in tandem with the rotation of the earth and hence they are not suitable for communication. The cost efficiency and the reliability of PSLVs have been established in the segment of the smaller satellites. India already boasts of 30 to 35% cheaper launches than other countries. Whereas Communication satellites are heavier, weighing 2 to 5 tonnes need big boosters in the GSLV series of vehicles to hoist these satellites into the  geosynchronous orbits 36,000km above the equator, where the satellite moves in tandem to earth’s rotation and hence service of satellite is available to the user all the time.

The launch vehicle along with its satellite today carried the spirits of ISRO scientists, who want to break the jinx of launching the heavy vehicle. India now established its credentials in the launching the heavier communication satellites where the scope for real business of global satellite launching lies. India has now joined the elite club of nations that include United States, Russia, France, Japan and China to clinch its rightful share in the ever emerging market of $300 billion dollars satellite launch services.

In 1993 when developed countries of the world have declared technology apartheid against India, Indian scientists have silently vowed to develop the cryogenic technology. In this incredible journey of developing the cryogenic engines, India has used all six of the seven Russian cryogenic engines and one indigenously developed engine. ISRO began its tryst with GSLV (Geo Synchronous Launch Vehicle) containing the cryogenic engines in 2001. But unfortunately ISRO could register just three successful launches. Now after undergoing the gruelling exercise of developing the technology India can proudly flaunt its mastery in the cutting edge technology. Cryogenic technology has been denied to India as the western world thought India to be a potential threat to their business interests in the emerging market of the global satellite launching.

The heightened fears of the West costed Indian Space programme dearly due to the numerous obstacles and delays caused by vested interests. The sabotage in the form of the dubious spying case framed against two exceptionally brilliant scientists- in-charge Nambi Narayanan and D. Sasi Kumar of the cryogenic programme in ISRO has delayed our programme by 19 years. Apart from successfully ripping them off the distinguished scientific career, the case has led to their unceremonious exit from the organisation. Besides being labelled as spies the severe torment and humiliation suffered by them is inexplicable. Thus the west tactfully delayed India’s Cryotechnology mission development for the lack of talented personnel who could spear head the project.  

The sabotage theory holds ground as the book “Russia in Space- A failed frontier” written by the British space writer Brian Harvey mentions about the plans of the imperilled nations and role of CIA in blocking India from perfecting the cryo technology. Nations feared that India’s progress might be detrimental to their prospects in the business of the space technology and nuclear energy. Hence these scandals were witch crafted to derail and delay the Indian technological missions which could otherwise lead the nation into a sphere of self-reliance.

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Friday 21 August 2015

Genome Sequencing of Octopus Unravels Intelligence Traits

Among invertebrates Octopus are acclaimed to be most intelligent animals and have largest nervous system. Octopus, a Mollusc falls under category of modern cephalopod. Other important soft shelled smart animals that belong to the class Cephalopods are Cuttle fish, Squid and Nautilus.

While it is known that vertebrates with their distinct nervous system are far more intelligent scientists are keen about investigating the system that renders these invertebrates with superior cognitive skills. Caroline Albertin and her colleagues of University of Chicago in an effort to understand the basis for intelligence in Cephalopods have mapped the genome of Octopus. The report published in the Nature journal is collaborative effort of the University of Chicago, University of California Berkeley, University of Heidelberg, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. The scientists have carried out gene expression studies of 12 different tissues as well. They have identified two genetic families whose presence is more pronounced than the simpler Molluscs. These are the C2H2 Zinc-finger transcription proteins and the protocadherin proteins that regulate neuronal development.

Octopus has uniquely shelled eight tentacles that serve as prehensile arms, suckers, cameras and has effective colouring system to camouflage. It has unusually large genome almost as large as the human genome and has 33,000 protein coding genes compared to 25,000 of human beings.

Sophisticated Cephalopods have nearly half a billion neuronal cells as against 200 million in rat. These contribute to the extraordinary observational learning, complex problem solving, task-dependent conditional discrimination. Octopus has twice the number of Protocadherins genes than mammals. Protocadherin proteins are responsible for synaptic specificity, short-range interactions needed for circuit formation. These contribute to neuronal complexity of Octopus and accounts of its unusually large sized brain. Even the anatomy of various important organs is also peculiar. The tentacles have independent computing capacity and hence even if they are separated from main body they can execute cognitive tasks.

C2H2 transcripts are found in the nervous tissue and embryonic tissues and have crucial role in cell fate determination, transposon silencing and early development. Elevated transposon expression accounts for elevated memory and learning. Interestingly, nearly half of the octopus genome is made of transposons which are mobile. They translocate to new locations causing enhancement or decrease of gene expression. Octopus has 18,000 Zinc-finger transcription genes second to 20,000 genes of Elephants. These transcription factor genes adjust the expression of other genes and in Octopus these regulates the genes in suckers and in receptors of skin. Suckers have large number of genes that code for the neuronal transmitter acetyl choline. Octopus has proteins reflectins coded by six genes on skin. These proteins help in altering the brightness of the light in several ways and in effectively disguising itself. Unlike higher vertebrates where large number of gene duplications contributes to large genomes Octopus genes have evolved genuinely in response to natural selection.

Unlike vertebrates, neurons in Octopus are not concentrated in brain and spinal cord. But these travel to localised organs of the body like tentacles/arms. They appear as protuberances and take up specialised function depending upon their location. While brain can completely take over the control of entire body, Octopus has a decentralised nervous system that allows the arms to function autonomously. Hence they are less dependent on the long range signal transmissions even. Precisely, this mechanism allows octopus to act quickly and instinctively. Neurobiologists and Roboticists marvel this very unique kind of intelligence characteristic of Octopus. 
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