Thursday 29 January 2015

Diaper Absorbant Enhances Resolution Capacity of Ordinary Microscope

Some of the fantastic innovations of science which brought about a tremendous change are often outcomes of ingenuity and out of box of thinking. Here is one such classical example which opened up new vistas of microscopy. Edward Boyden a neuroengineer of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge with his colleagues developed a novel and subtle way of observing living tissues. The technique called as expansion microscopy uses the material used in baby diapers to observe the living tissues.

Conventional Optical microscope suffers from the major impediment of distinguishing the objects which are closer together than about 200 nanometres or roughly half the wavelength of visible light. These objects appear blurred or as a blob. This resolution limit is referred to as Abbe’s diffraction limit after the scientist Ernst Abbe who first identified it in 1873. Hence the optical microscope which is otherwise desirable for identifying the cell organelles is not suitable for observing structural details. Microscopes which use electron beams instead of light have finer resolution but they can be used in vacuum hence dead tissues alone can be used. Abbe’s limit couldn’t be overcome according to laws of physics. But scientists using fluorophores or fluorescent molecules and hitting them with lasers of specific wavelength engineered new ways to resolve proteins as close as 20 nanometres in living cells. These techniques developed by three scientists independently- Stephan Hell, William Moerner and Eric Betzig were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014 for the pioneering work on super-resolution microscopy. These techniques are very useful in observing the vesicle moments across the nerve synapses, cell protein complexes and spaces between rows of skeletal microtube filaments etc but these cumbersome techniques demand expertise in handling expensive and specialised equipment.

In contrast to the super-resolution microscopy, Boyden employed the super absorbent material acrylate used in diapers for resolving the structural details of the brain tissues. Acrylate has two advantages. It is capable of forming a dense mesh capable of holding the proteins in place and it swells in presence of water. Acrylate salts form water lock and gives the diapers sponginess. They have a capacity to expand four and half times the original size. In order to locate the proteins which are closely packed, the living tissues before swelling are soaked in a chemical cocktail which makes them transparent and then infused with fluorescent molecules that anchor specific proteins to acrylate. Upon adding water, the acrylate would cause the living tissues to swell uniformly in all directions. In their experiment with brain tissues of mice, Boyden and his colleagues demonstrated that proteins which were too close and probably difficult to distinguish could be identified under visual-light microscope. With this technique proteins as close as 60nm were resolved. In future with further fine tuning of the techniques the resolution can be improved.

In this new technique of expansion microscopy the original living tissues are increased in size upon absorption of water. Crucially it also maintains the relative orientation and interconnections of the proteins and other cellular structures intact. But the position of position is shifted by 1-4%. The results of the expansion microscopy were comparable to super-resolution microscopy techniques.

This novel technique was feted by scientists all around who commended its ingenuity. These kinds of unique scientific feats would lay foundation for a genre of science which circumvents the use of highly sophisticated and complicated equipment. It also opens new frontiers in science where a judicious combination of the ingenious techniques with the hardwired innovative equipment could unravel the mysteries of life. 
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